
Showing posts from September, 2022

Simple DnD Map v3 - ePortfolio Post

09/27/22 Simple DnD Map v3 - ePortfolio Post For this iteration of the simple Dungeons and Dragons level, we had much more freedom and ability to customize our levels, so I feel like this version came out a lot better than the previous two levels. I have also gotten a lot better at using Roll20 and was able to utilize the tools a lot better, such as fog of war, and the use of tokens. Since we had the theme of prison break and alien apocalypse, I based the level off of the idea that the aliens were using an old broken down human prison to keep humans trapped, and that the players would play as a military team breaking into the prison to free people, rather than normal people trying to break out. I thought this added a nice story to an otherwise stationary level. As for the main level design, I used 2 main or “key” items, one that allowed players to travel from the prison into the vents and back, and one that was obtained later on and was used to pry open the cell doors, giving access to...

DnD Map v2 - ePortfolio Post 2

09/20/22 DnD Map v2 - ePortfolio Post 2 The people who played my game were Snick, Animaiden, and Shane J., and they picked the mage, knight, and rogue respectively. Compared to my first iteration of my cave tutorial level, this map felt a lot more intriguing and brought a lot more to the table for the players. Players are taught about traps very early on, and must use moves to avoid these spaces, and the first fight of the level is a very simple and easy to defeat enemy, with no armor and a measly 2 health, which helps introduce players to the combat mechanics very early on, without actually posing much of a threat. First simple enemy As they continue on, they are presented with a bit more of a challenge, consisting of 2 enemies, one with 4 health and one with 2, which gets them a bit more used to powerful enemies. From here, I used my idea from my first map of a continuously ramping difficulty with every enemy getting more difficult, but I decided to introduce items as well, since t...

ePortfolio Post 1 - DnD Map v1

9/13/2022   ePortfolio Post 1 - DnD Map v1 Since I was sick during this class period, I had to play through the level myself, and by doing this I found that even being the one making the level, playing through it makes it very clear what issues the level has. For starters, I realized that even though this is a simple tutorial level, the map was very easy to clear quickly, taking only about 12-14 minutes rather than a full 20. I noticed that this is mainly because of how short the distance from the start to the end of the map is. Since each player moves five spaces per turn, it only took about 14 turns to reach the end of the map, not including battles, which means I should either add more battles, make the battles harder, or make the map longer. I think the best way to fix this would be to make the battles a bit harder, but since this is a tutorial of how to play, it wouldn't make sense to make the level very difficult, so the best way would really be to very slightly increase diff...