
Showing posts from April, 2023

RPS Sprint 4

RPS Sprint 4 - Blog Post 4 So far in the process of designing our game, we’ve gone through a lot of ups and downs, as most projects go, but I believe we are making great progress on the game and it is turning out better than we had imagined. A lot of things have been adjusted in our game, which is a good and bad thing, because the movement mechanics and how they feel when exploring levels are drastically different and better received than in the beginning of the project, but in doing this we had to shift attention for what we were working on and how the levels were laid out multiple times. As the Level designer, this was difficult to deal with, but it was far more worth it to deal with these issues and change the forms, than to leave them as they were, which was not nearly as fun to play around with than it is now. The center of the level with an NPC placed at the start to give guidance to players. (Bottom Left) Door in back requiring keys obtained from challenges to open. As for direc...

RPS - Sprint 3 Blog Post

  RPS - Sprint 3 Compared to our last sprint, Sprint 3 was extremely successful for me, and we were able to gain a lot of information on how to improve our game and what step to take next. During the two weeks this sprint took place, I was able to finish many more cards than previous weeks. Though the cards were scored higher in the earlier sprints, I believe I still completed more work during this week and it was much more impactful on the outcome of our game. What I have added during this sprint was the hub world, NPCs for both the hub world and 1st level, a map for the second level, as well as a fix for the movement in our game, so that players do not feel as sluggish in game. On top of all of this, I fixed a lot of the mistakes and issues in our first level after the playtest, which I will go further into in a bit. As for the hub world, I designed a lot more ideas for interesting platforming that players can mess around with when in between levels. I used combinations of wind j...

Sprint 2 - RPS Blog Post

  So far, the process as the designer for RPS has been a bit choppy and messy. I went through some personal issues for one week of the process, which put my work schedule back by a bit. Once I finally got back on track, our Trello board’s cards were a bit uneven in workload, and it took a vast amount more time to do one of the cards than it did to do the other ones that I had done previously. This was because the card that I had to do during this sprint was simply to complete the 1st level in a 3D space. So in other words, I had one card that was to put the entirety of the first level into Unity and have it working and fleshed out, which was noticeably more work than drawing the map for this same level. This was clearly just a mistake in our communication and in our making of the Trello board, and it has since then been changed for future sprints. Therefore, I will not be having this issue in our upcoming sprints. But for every negative, there is always a positive. With the hel...