
Showing posts from December, 2022

3D Game Level 2 - Feedback

12/4/2022 3D Game Level 2 - Feedback For my second game level, I believe I did a good job designing the level and making it interesting to play, but I definitely think I can improve on some things. I believe what I did best overall was theming and decorating the level as an old looking castle with a huge courtyard and a sort-of archer tower at the edge of the wall. I used a texture and painted directly on the planes to make the walls and ground respectively, and just used five by five blocks to make all the walls and ceilings so the size could be edited and the texture would match up. I used switches and doors to create the one way doors I talked about in my concept, and used switches and counters for the main castle door. I think I also did a decent job at spreading enemies across the map so there is never just random downtime, and adding large groups of enemies that need to be gone through to get to level objectives. I also added smaller groups down the alternate paths to add a sense...